How to Find Travel Blogs for Guest Post Backlinks

An individual researching travel blogs for guest posting opportunities, surrounded by maps and travel items, showcasing a dedication to sharing travel insights online.

In the realm of digital marketing, securing backlinks from reputable websites is paramount to enhancing your online presence and improving search engine rankings. Guest posting on travel blogs presents an excellent opportunity to acquire quality backlinks and reach a broader audience interested in travel-related content. However, uncovering these guest post opportunities requires a strategic approach. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of finding travel blogs that accept guest posts using advanced Google search techniques.

Understanding the Importance of Guest Posting in Travel Niche

Before delving into the specifics of finding travel blogs for guest posting, let’s briefly discuss why guest posting is crucial for your SEO strategy within the travel niche:

  • Quality Backlinks: Guest posting allows you to earn high-quality backlinks from authoritative travel blogs, which can significantly boost your website’s search engine rankings.
  • Targeted Audience: By contributing content to travel blogs, you can reach a highly targeted audience of travel enthusiasts who are likely interested in your destination, services, or products.
  • Brand Exposure: Guest posting helps increase brand awareness and establishes your authority in the travel industry, ultimately driving more traffic to your website and generating leads.

Now that we understand the benefits, let’s explore how to find travel blogs that accept guest posts.

Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Travel Blogs for Guest Posting

Step 1: Compile Relevant Keywords

Begin by compiling a list of keywords related to the travel industry. These may include terms such as “travel,” “adventure,” “destination guides,” “travel tips,” and “budget travel.” These keywords will serve as the foundation for your search queries.

Step 2: Utilize Advanced Google Search Operators

Harness the power of Google’s advanced search operators to refine your search results and identify travel blogs that welcome guest contributions. Here are some effective search queries to try:

  • “write for us” + travel
  • “guest post guidelines” + adventure
  • “submit a guest post” + destination guides

Experiment with different combinations of keywords to uncover hidden guest posting opportunities within the travel niche.

Step 3: Analyze the Search Results

Carefully analyze the search results to identify potential travel blogs that accept guest posts. Look for indicators such as dedicated “Write for Us” pages, submission guidelines, or previous guest posts published on the blog.

Step 4: Visit the Blogs and Review Submission Guidelines

Visit the blogs that seem promising and navigate to their Write for Us or Guest Post Guidelines page. Here, you’ll find valuable information about their submission process, preferred topics, formatting requirements, and contact details.

Step 5: Craft a Persuasive Pitch

Before reaching out to the blog owners, craft a personalized and persuasive pitch highlighting your expertise in the travel industry, your interest in contributing to their blog, and potential topics you can cover. Tailor your pitch to each blog to increase your chances of acceptance.

Step 6: Submit Your Guest Post

Follow the blog‘s submission guidelines meticulously and submit your guest post accordingly. Include any required author bio information and relevant links back to your website or content.

Example: Write for Us Page

To gain a better understanding of what travel blogs look for in guest contributors, let’s examine an example Write for Us page from a travel blog like This example provides insights into the blog‘s audience, content guidelines, and submission process, serving as a valuable reference for aspiring guest contributors.


Finding travel blogs for guest post backlinks requires strategic research and a tailored approach. By leveraging advanced Google search techniques and carefully reviewing blogs‘ submission guidelines, you can uncover valuable opportunities to expand your online presence and build quality backlinks within the travel niche. Remember to provide valuable, engaging content that resonates with the blog‘s audience and contributes positively to your SEO efforts.