Let’s Talk Blogging: what is the best blogging platform to make money?

Let's Talk Blogging: what is the best blogging platform to make money?

Starting your blogging journey is akin to stepping onto a virtual stage where you can share your expertise, passions, and stories with the world. It’s not just about selecting a platform; it’s about creating your unique corner of the internet, a space that authentically reflects your personality and interests—choosing the Right Platform. Picking a blogging platform is a pivotal decision in this digital adventure. Whether you opt for WordPress.org, Blogger, or Wix, envision it as the foundation for your online presence. Crafting Your Online Identity:

Consider the visual aesthetics of your blog as the brushstrokes on a canvas shaping your digital identity. The colors, design elements, and layout contribute to making your blog not just visually appealing but also memorable for your audience.

Now, let’s delve into the money-making aspect of your blogging endeavor. Envision your blog as a bustling marketplace, with WordPress.org as your entrepreneurial ally. It provides diverse avenues for affiliate marketing, ad displays, and product showcasing – transforming your blog into a profitable venture.

Why Your Platform Choice is a Big Deal

Choosing the right platform is a big deal – it’s like finding your blog’s cozy home online. User-friendly interfaces matter because who needs tech headaches, right? Platforms like WordPress.org and Blogger make the whole process a cakewalk, perfect for beginners. And hey, mobile responsiveness? That’s a must. Imagine your blog looking sleek whether your readers are on a laptop or their favorite smartphone. Check out Google’s insights on mobile-friendly sites – they know their stuff. Community support is your blogging safety net. 

WordPress.org’s vibrant community is like having a bunch of friendly neighbors who are always ready to lend a hand when you’re stuck. Customization is where your blog gets its personality. WordPress.org lets you play with themes, colors, and layouts, making your blog uniquely yours. Want to know more about blog customization? Dive into Google’s guide on blog personalization. Are you thinking long-term? Think scalability. A platform that grows with you is gold.

 WordPress.org does this effortlessly, giving you room to spread your blogger wings. And remember speed! Slow-loading sites are a no-go. WordPress.org’s speed optimization tips keep your blog zooming, ensuring readers stick around. Choosing your platform isn’t just a tech decision – it’s about setting the stage for your blogging journey.

Hunt Down Your Friendly Platform

 A blog is an exciting journey; choosing the right platform is your first major pitstop. User-friendly interfaces are crucial, especially if you’re dipping your toes into the blogging pool. Platforms like Blogger and Wix are your friendly companions on this tech-savvy quest.

Now, transitioning into the cozy ambiance of your digital home, the interface should feel like a familiar room. Consider exploring the drag-and-drop simplicity of Wix to make your blog space uniquely yours.

However, don’t just take my word for it. Conduct your digital exploration. Check out Google’s guide on choosing a blogging platform; you’ll find valuable expert insights. Your blogging adventure is about to unfold, so do your explorer hat, and let’s find that friendly platform that suits your unique style and goals.

Make It Yours – Personalize Your Platform

Now that you’ve got your hands on a blogging platform let’s discuss turning it into your digital masterpiece. It’s like decorating your room – you want it to scream “you.” And luckily, most platforms, especially WordPress.org, offer a playground for customization.

Themes: Think of themes as the wallpaper of your digital space. WordPress.org has a treasure trove of them, from sleek and professional to quirky and fun. Find one that resonates with your style, and boom – instant personality infusion.

Layouts: Have you ever rearrange your furniture for a fresh look? Customizing layouts on platforms like WordPress.org is just as fun. Drag and drop elements, play with columns, and voila – your blog looks and feels exactly how you want it.

Colors and Fonts: Your blog’s color scheme and font choices are like the accessories that tie your outfit together. With WordPress.org, you’re the stylist. Pick colors that reflect your vibe and fonts that match your personality – it’s your digital fashion show.

Widgets and Plugins: These gadgets and gizmos add that extra flair. WordPress.org lets you play with various widgets and plugins to make your blog uniquely yours, whether it’s a cool social media feed or a nifty email sign-up form.

Personalization isn’t just about looks. It’s about functionality, too. Want to showcase your photography skills? Consider a portfolio plugin. Do you dream of running a podcast? There’s a plugin for that too.

And let’s remember mobile responsiveness. With more people browsing on their phones, having a blog that looks fantastic on mobile devices is crucial. Luckily, platforms like WordPress.org make sure your blog shines across all screens.

So, dive into the customization options, let your creativity run wild, and turn that platform into a digital extension of you. After all, your blog is your stage – make it uniquely yours and let your personality steal the show.

Time to Make Some Money Moves

Time to Make Some Money Moves: Monetizing Your Blog in 10 Steps

Now that you’re ready to take your blog to the next level and start earning some cash, let’s dive into these ten steps to turn your passion into profit:

Diversify Your Income Streams:

First things first, let’s talk about expanding your revenue streams. Platforms like Patreon or Substack are fantastic options for offering exclusive content and subscription-based services to your loyal audience.

Launch an Online Store:

Have you ever dreamt of having your own online store? Well, now’s the time to make it happen! Platforms like Shopify or Etsy are perfect for setting up shop and selling merchandise, digital products, or online courses.

Host Webinars or Virtual Events:

Show off your expertise by hosting webinars or virtual events. Charge a small fee for entry or partner with sponsors to monetize these events. It’s a fantastic way to connect with your audience on a deeper level and earn some extra income.

Create and Sell E-books:

Share your knowledge with the world by creating and selling e-books. Platforms like Amazon Kindle or Gumroad make publishing and selling digital books easy, allowing you to turn your expertise into passive income.

Offer Exclusive Consulting Services:

Monetize your expertise by offering consulting services to your audience, whether one-on-one coaching sessions or group workshops. Platforms like Clarity. fm or Calendly can help you easily schedule and manage consultations.

Optimize Your Ad Strategy:

Maximize your ad revenue by optimizing your ad strategy. Platforms like Google AdSense offer powerful tools to help you target the right audience and maximize your earnings from display ads on your blog.

Explore High-Paying Affiliate Programs:

Diversify your income by joining high-paying affiliate programs. Look for programs that offer generous commissions and align with your niche. Platforms like ShareASale or Commission Junction are great places to start.

Negotiate Sponsored Content Agreements:

As your blog grows in popularity, you may receive offers for sponsored content. Negotiate terms that align with your brand and provide value to your audience. Platforms like AspireIQ or Influence.co can help you connect with brands and negotiate sponsorship deals.

Leverage Email Marketing:

Build and nurture your email list to drive traffic and sales. Platforms like Mailchimp or ConvertKit offer powerful email marketing tools to help you engage with your audience and promote your products or services.

Stay Consistent and Adapt:

Consistency is key to long-term success. Keep creating valuable content, engaging with your audience, and adapting to changes in your industry. Your blog is like a living organism – it evolves. Stay informed, stay adaptable, and keep pursuing your passion for Blogging.

SEO – Your Blog’s Wingman

Let’s delve into SEO, the unsung hero of your blog’s online journey. Imagine SEO as the guiding force that ensures your blog is aware of the vast digital landscape.

Visibility Boost:

First, we have the crucial aspect of enhancing your blog’s visibility. SEO acts as a digital compass, directing search engines to showcase your blog prominently in results. Tools like Google Trends can help you understand what’s currently in demand, guiding your content strategy.

Keywords – The Magic Words:

Now, let’s talk about the magic of keywords. These are the secret sauces that search engines crave—strategically placing bold and relevant keywords in your content signals to search engines that your blog matches what users seek. Moz offers insights into keyword research to refine your strategy.

Quality Content Reigns:

In the realm of SEO, quality content is king. Consistently delivering fresh and engaging posts not only pleases your audience but also captures the attention of search engines. Tools like Yoast can assist in optimizing your content for both readers and search algorithms.

Think of backlinks as applause from the online community. Quality backlinks from reputable sites act as endorsements, boosting your blog’s authority in the eyes of search engines. Tools like Ahrefs can help you monitor and build a strong backlink profile.

User Experience Matters:

SEO cares about user experience. A blog that provides seamless navigation, quick loading times, and mobile-friendliness keeps readers happy and earns favor with search engines. Consider using Google PageSpeed Insights to optimize your blog’s performance.

Local Love with Local SEO:

If your blog has a local audience, enter local SEO. This facet ensures your blog shows prominently in local searches, making it a go-to resource for users in your area. BrightLocal offers tools to enhance your local SEO strategy.

Long-Term Relationship Builder:

SEO is no fling; it’s a committed relationship. Consistent optimization builds a lasting rapport between your blog and search engines. Over time, your blog gains trust and secures higher rankings. Keep track of your progress with tools like Google Analytics.

So, embrace the power of SEO – your blog’s ultimate wingman in navigating the dynamic digital landscape. Use these tools and strategies to let your blog shine in the vast online universe.

Meet the Contenders – Who Made the Cut?

Let’s journey through the blogosphere and spotlight some heavy hitters who’ve excelled in the blogging arena. These aren’t just blogs; they’re the cream of the crop, the ones who’ve mastered the art of digital dialogue.

 Problogger – The Blogging Guru:First in the lineup is Problogger, a digital haven for bloggers of all calibers. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned veteran, Problogger delivers insights on everything from crafting compelling content to navigating the intricate world of blog monetization.

 Neil Patel – The Digital Marketing Maestro:

Transitioning to digital marketing and SEO, Neil Patel is a luminary. His blog is a comprehensive reservoir, offering in-depth guides, actionable tips, and a glimpse into the ever-evolving landscape of online marketing.

 The Blonde Abroad – Jet Setter’s Delight:

For travel enthusiasts, The Blonde Abroad isn’t just a blog; it’s a visual feast. Kiersten Rich, the creative force behind the blog, shares her globetrotting adventures and imparts valuable insights for those aspiring to turn their travel experiences into captivating blogs.

 Smart Passive Income – Entrepreneurial Wisdom:

Shifting gears to the entrepreneurial realm, Smart Passive Income, curated by Pat Flynn, emerges as a guiding light. With transparent income reports, detailed case studies, and expert interviews, it’s a treasure trove for anyone looking to navigate the path of passive income and online entrepreneurship.

 Copyblogger – Crafting Words That Stick:

For the wordsmiths, Copyblogger is the hallowed ground. Copyblogger has been an influential force for writers and marketers seeking to create content that resonates, from crafting persuasive copy to mastering content strategy.

 Smashing Magazine – Design Wizardry:

For the web designers and developers in the house, 

Smashing Magazine is akin to a virtual sanctuary. Bursting with articles, tutorials, and resources, it’s a community-driven platform that continually pushes the boundaries of web design and development.

 Zen Habits – Mindful Living Vibes:

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Step into the serene world of Zen Habits by Leo Babauta. It’s not just a productivity blog; it’s a journey into simplicity, mindfulness, and intentional living.

 TechCrunch – Tech Tales and Trends:

Concluding our lineup, in the ever-evolving tech space, TechCrunch reigns supreme. With breaking news, insightful analyses, and interviews with industry leaders, it’s a go-to destination for staying ahead in the fast-paced world of technology.

These blogs aren’t merely contenders but digital trailblazers, setting the gold standard for excellence in the blogging universe. So, kick back, explore their content, and let the blogging brilliance unfold. It’s like having a VIP pass to the coolest show in town.

Your Blog, Your Rules – Make Your Choice

So, you’re itching to dive into Blogging as a creative outlet and a means to make money and live life on your terms. Crafting a blog isn’t just about putting your thoughts out there; it’s a potential avenue to generate income and turn your passion into a profitable venture. Let’s break down the steps to transform your website traffic into a source of revenue.

Quality Content – The Cornerstone:

First and foremost, your blog’s success hinges on the content you create. Pour your energy into producing quality content that resonates with your audience and sets the stage for your blog’s growth.

Grow Your Audience – Build Your Tribe:

A blog without readers is like a party without guests. To grow your audience, leverage social media platforms and engage with your readers. Tools like Google Analytics can provide valuable insights into audience demographics and behaviors.

Reputation Building – Your Digital Currency:

In the blogging realm, your reputation is your currency. Be authentic, consistent, and go the extra mile to provide value. As your reputation grows, so does your influence, laying the foundation for potential earnings.

Monetization Strategies – Turning Clicks into Cash:

It’s time to turn those blog visits into revenue. Explore monetization strategies like affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and merchandise sales. Each strategy has its merits, so choose what aligns with your brand. For insights, MonetizePros is a valuable resource.

Professional Tools – Elevate Your Game:

Elevate your blogging game by investing in professional tools. Utilize analytics tools to understand your audience better and SEO tools to enhance your blog’s visibility. These tools play a crucial role in your blog’s success.

How to Monetize Your Blog – A Deep Dive:

Need a comprehensive guide on the nitty-gritty of blog monetization? Explore the “How-to Monetize a Blog” section of the  Blogging online course. It’s a treasure trove of insights and practical tips to unlock your blog’s revenue potential.

Pro Tip: Budgeting for Success – Estimate Your Expenses:

Before you jump in, consider the costs. Check out our guide on how much it costs to start a blog to estimate your expenses. Knowing your financial landscape will help you plan and manage your blogging venture effectively.

Your Blog, Your Rules – Making the Final Call:

As you approach the prospect of turning your blog into a lucrative endeavor, keep in mind – it’s your blog, your rules. The final step involves making choices aligned with your vision. Pick the monetization methods that resonate, create content that speaks to your audience, and relish the journey as your blog transforms into a thriving business. The power is in your hands – make those choices, own your path, and watch your blog flourish.


Do I need to be a tech genius to use these platforms?

Not at all! Platforms like Blogger and Wix are designed for everyone, from tech wizards to those just dipping their toes in the blogging pool.

Can I make money blogging?

WordPress.org opens up various money-making avenues, including affiliate marketing and ad placements. It’s all about turning your killer content into cash.

How crucial is SEO for my blog’s success?

SEO is your blog’s best friend when it comes to getting noticed. WordPress.org makes it a breeze to implement SEO tactics, ensuring your blog climbs those search engine ranks and gets the attention it deserves.

What’s the deal with free plans and ads?

Like Wix’s, free plans might come with a side of ads. Upgrading to a paid plan often clears the ad clutter and gives your blog a pro look.

Can I switch platforms later if needed?

Yep, most platforms allow you to move your content around. Still, it’s smart to pick the right one from the get-go to avoid headaches down the road.